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Videos of Prayers and Sermons

Prayer of Healing 

Rabbi's Speech from JNF Fundraising Event on 10.29.23

Rabbi's Sermon: Finding Strength to Hug 10.28.23

Rabbi's sermon from 10.8.23 focused on the value of prayer in the face of the unimaginable. 

On 10.7.23 we also added to the Prayer for Israel. 

Ribbono shel Olam Creator of All That Is, 

It is good to praise You, it is good to have things in our lives worthy of Thanks.  In these dark times give us the perspective to see our blessings.  Give us the wisdom to remember how lucky we are to have people we love, food to eat, and a place to call home.  Even though we can turn our gaze just a fraction to either side and see darkness, despair, and evil, help us to never lose sight of the sliver of life that is good.  Dear God, with every breath of my soul, thank you. 








Fri, March 14 2025 14 Adar 5785