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Tel: 516.626.5599 

CLICK HERE to download and print their menu. 
Call or Email them ahead with your order and it will be ready for you to pick up!

Orders must be placed by 3pm on Fridays




Call (516) 708-1962
Pick up is Wednesdays at 6:30pm
Please mention WJC when placing your order.




Pick Up at 4pm
Place your order by 1pm on Wednesday.

Orders can be placed either by cell phone: 516 672 5316, email or CLICK HERE
Wide variety of flavors and toppings.
Go to the 16 Handles order site to see the toppings.
Sizes are:
Small 9-oz- 5.50 + Tax
Medium 13-oz- 8.00 + Tax





Phone: 646-279-8181

Simply text or email your order to Pejman from Colbeh for pick up in the WJC parking lot on Fridays between 3:00pm - 5:00pm.

When placing order include your name and phone number for confirmation. Be sure to mention WJC for your free dessert or fruit platter and bottle of wine.
All orders must be placed by 1:00pm on Thursdays.
You can choose an option from HERE and HERE


Pick up at 5pm on Thursdays
Place your order by Wednesday evening
CLICK HERE for menu 
(516) 504-1199
Wed, February 5 2025 7 Shevat 5785