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Email from 12/16/22

Last night was our great intro to the basics of set prayer.  Next time we will delve into what spontaneous or heartfelt prayer can/could look like.  Attached is the study materials from last night. 
Your challenge before next time is ask yourself what makes a prayer “good?”
If you are up for more studying I recommend the book entering jewish prayer
Below also is an interesting article about connecting to jewish prayer while not believing in God. 
Happy reading and see you next month!

Email from 9/21/22

Hello all, 
Thanks so much everyone who was able to be at class last week.  For reference, here is the study sheet. 
Here is also, a great article on some more of the basics of yom kippur
For your homework this month here are your options
God - apologize to someone you know you could have been better to
Torah - Read the book of Jonah and ask yourselves these three questions:
  1. What are you supposed to learn from the story?
  2. What does it mean that everyone but Jonah seems to be particularly faithful?
  3. would you find the plant at the end convicing? 
Israel: Come to Yom Kippur services and ask yourself this question: how has this event remained one of the most practiced Jewish experiences across the Jewish world?
Shannah Tovah Everyone!

Email from 8/19/22

Class was great last night! I really enjoyed the discussion and think we got pretty deep into rosh Hashanah.  If you weren’t able to be there here is a link to the source sheet.
For next time I’m give you two options for homework.
Option 1: interview families members and ask what they remember about rosh Hashanah from growing up.
Option 2: follow the directions on this writing assignment. This is not writing to be share, unless you want to, this is writing for you and your soul. It is also a lot and you should feel free to pick and choose as to what feels meaningful.
Our next class is September 15th and will be about yom kippur.
Looking forward!

Email from 7/20/22

HI all, 
at the bottom of this email includes all of the follow up info from last night, including the zoom info for tomorrow night.  
As for tomorrow's meeting we will begin with the homework.  I'm hoping each of you will either share about a new shabbat experience you tried or something from one of the readings.  
Since we will be discussing Tisha B'av, I encourage anyone who has no idea what Tisha B'av is to take a look at this short article before class tomorrow night: Also, tomorrow we will talk about some of the worst moments in Jewish history. If we have time I will ask if anyone has any personal experience with antisemitism that they would be willing to share with the group.  
Please, if at all possible, come ready with your camera on and ready to participate.  Unlike some other classes there is really a goal to build a cohort of people taking their Jewish journey seriously.  
Finally, as always, please bring any and all questions about anything Jewish you are holding on to.  we will either spend some time on them or devote future class time to them.  This is your chance!!
can't wait to see you,

June 16, 2022

Hello Judaism 101’ers,  
I hope you enjoyed last night’s class as much as I did.  Your personal stories combined with our texts have me excited about Judaism.  Here are some important notes from last class, getting ready for next, and the class in general. 
  • At least one person didn’t get the email with the info yesterday.  So please respond (not reply all) to this email and let me know you got it.
  • To those of you who missed the first one, you are welcome to try next month. If you can’t make that one either please let me know and we’ll figure it out. 
  • In fact, in general, if you aren’t going to be able to make a class, please let me know.  From here on out, I will likely plan some small group discussions and I want to have an idea who I have to work with.
  • Here is a link to the source sheet we worked off of last night.
  • Dani is working on a much cleaner version of my other sheet which I am so grateful for and will share when she sends it my way. Thank you Dani!
Finally, please remember to challenge yourself to one shabbat experience you have either not had before or haven’t had in a long time. Examples could include
  • Family shabbat dinner
  • Baking challah
  • Lighting candles
  • Coming to services
  • Turning off your cell phone 
Lastly, I’m building our curriculum.  I have the following plans but I am up for other discussions if you have ideas for topics.
  • The holidays
  • The high holy days
  • Jewish Organizational Life
  • Why do bad things happen to good people
  • A tour of important Jewish texts
  • The state of Israel
Thank you and shabbat shalom!
Fri, October 18 2024 16 Tishrei 5785